Jul 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

Look at Eli GOOO! 😍😀

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Well, now this begs the question: is Fiona young enough to join the Air Force?

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I don’t know about Fiona, but when I was a girl I wanted to be a fighter pilot.

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Jul 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

I wanted to be an airline stewardess 😁

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One of my best friends flew all over the world as a Pan Am flight attendant. She was beautiful. She told stories of how beautiful and sophisticated Beirut used to be, and of getting her hair done in Paris. She died last year, far too soon.

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Jul 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

Your words took me to a place I need to go again soon🤗

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Jul 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

Interesting encounter Auggie had with the baby bunny. I’m impressed by his gentleness. Paternal instinct?

Our yard is well fenced but recently a rabbit entered through an unknown gap, which I later fixed. A chaotic chase ensued. Since the rabbit had no available exit, I brought the guys inside. Rabbit retraced his steps and left the way he came in.

We once watched in horror as puppy Archie grabbed a baby bunny, who was not as lucky as this guy. We do not want a repeat!

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I have had the same experience with a squirrel debacle. Terrible.

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Jul 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

Exactly this. ❤️

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Jul 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

J.F., I think you so eloquently wrote of very similar feelings I have about the excitement and love I have for flying. Despite the annoyances and delays we have to put up with, the arrival at an airport terminal causes a rush of adrenaline in me. While others want an aisle seat, give me the window, please! I always grip the armrests during takeoff as the ascent pushes me back in my seat. A meal with wine on a flight? What a treat! I never felt so independent and sophisticated as when I flew by myself at age 21 to New York, then took a van all the way out to Sag Harbor to spend a summer week with a penpal. At 23, I flew, alone, internationally for the first time. If I had my wish, I'd spend my life traveling at my whim, but always returning home when I needed the familiarity and comfort. ❤️

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Jul 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

I am so glad the baby bunny was OK, I think Auggie must simply have been checking what it was. And I love flying, too. The actual in the plane taking off, flying and even landing —- I don’t mind having to circle before landing for a bit as I get more chance to look out the window. I, too, don’t really like the logistics of getting to the plane - in these years, I require help as I cannot do stairs, and so I don’t even get the distraction of shops (which I probably wouldn’t want to buy anything in nay case), but instead wait in faceless small areas for someone to help me to the gate. They are often miffed by the fact that I want to use my walker and actually walk to the gate - I just can’t do the up and down of stairs that inevitably one seems to have to do these days, including to get to ground level, walk to a bus, then up into the bus and then up a stairway to the plane. So I ask for help, feeling a bit of a fraud because I can do the walking part and so I want to do that part, just want to have someone with a pass get me up and down on the level changes — or sometimes, have to go in one of those lumbering big vehicles out to the plane and get lifted in from that. But once in the plane, I am still the 16 year old girl over 50 years ago who went on her first flight to Europe with a church group, excitedly experiencing everything for the first time. I have travelled a lot in my last 50 years, mostly for work, sometimes to come home to the US to see family since I moved to Europe many years ago. It never gets old, the looking out the window - and enjoying the beautiful sky above the clouds. There is a story in there about optimism and hope.

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I always get a window seat, too. So essential to the experience! Not that you need my advice, but I would sit back and relax and let them push me!!!

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Jul 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

Hmmm, maybe!! I always tip decently as I am sure the assistance staff aren’t on more than minimum wages. They generally provide some very interesting conversation on either the location or other topics when waiting to board. Often I have my little dachshund with me, and she is great for starting conversations.

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Jul 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

I love this. You make me want to fly again. It’s been a very long time. I was also thinking, as I reread this essay, that you could make a lot of moola writing advertising for the airline companies. But, I digress. I love how gentle Auggie was with the baby bunny. I think it shows an innate sense of love and caring, that is just part of his personality. Sweet, gentle Auggie.

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Jul 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

Auggie wanted a pet… or a furry snack.

Look at those boys of summer. How lucky are they?

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Jul 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

Agree to the flying part. And yes, a window seat!

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Jul 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

I was outside in the back yard at my parents house one Easter morning and saw a little movement in one of their raised beds. This being Phx, my first thought was snake, but as the dirt wriggled a little more, I saw it was a litter of bunnies. Cutest thing I’ve ever seen and they were SO TINY!! Glad Auggie just got this one a little wet!

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Jul 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

I’m fortunate to have been a pilot for almost 50 years-I’ve (mostly) been selling airplanes through those years and am headed to Oshkosh after a great week in Sturgeon Bay.

I’ve had moments where, after a weeks worth of dingy overcast in the fall and my mental health called, I had to crawl in an airplane and do nothing more than climb to clear skies above, fly around for 15 minutes then go back down.

It’s amazing what a little sunshine can do for the soul.

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Maybe we’ll meet in Oshkosh. Safe flying!

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Jul 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

I’ll be in or around Booth 208. Love to meet you (just started Audacity of Goats). 👍

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Jul 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

So eloquently written! I feel exactly the same way about flying! But... as much as I love to fly, I am attempting to travel to France in September, alone... I am meeting up with a tour but I have to "meet up with the tour" after plane, train and automobile... alone... terrifying, but I can do it... I have never, ever traveled alone...and to France?! I'm not stupid so I know it will be perfect... just a little tense!

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Jul 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

Marvelously crafted writing. Evocative. Something to remember the next time I get on a plane. Did you ever sing with the San Francisco opera?

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No, I never made it to SFO.

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Jul 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

What a truly beautiful essay! You remind me of the joy I have in travel. My Nana from Glasgow loved travel and instilled that in all of us. My mom wanted me to be a flight attendant (families fly free, lol!), but I want to be enjoying the flight, not working it. Our next adventure is a Danube River cruise from Vienna this Thanksgiving. My 80 year old dad, my 15 year old son, my husband, and I will be on Riverside Mozart. I will report back, lol. We are so fortunate to be able to make these amazing memories.

Speaking of making memories, do I see a French grandson splashing there in the water, playing with your German children? What lucky kids!

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Sounds wonderful. And yes, I think you see a frenchie.

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Jul 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

I agree with everything you said about flying. I don’t know what it is, but a sense of calm always envelope's me as I settle into my seat and we begin to taxi. What a wonderful spirit in Auggie, so gentle.❤️

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