May 22Liked by J. F. Riordan

Stay as safe as you can. We, in the South, know all too well about tornadic weather.

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I don’t think we have anything to worry about. But thank you, we will.

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May 22Liked by J. F. Riordan

We’re south of you and thus far all we’ve had is wind. Looks like we may still be in the path of something, but nothing like what you are experiencing. We are very hopeful we can get the cats in the basement should that become necessary. Fingers crossed all around.

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Stay safe. Wear a helmet.

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May 22Liked by J. F. Riordan

That made me laugh. Just realized we do have helmets in the motorcycle. Good idea - better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them.

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If you do wear them, though, we need photos.

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May 22Liked by J. F. Riordan

Hahahahaha… um, okay. 😎😎

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May 22Liked by J. F. Riordan

Stay safe, all of you! (I hope you find bicycle helmets for Auggie and Eli. I assume Amazon has everything.)

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I suppose since there are military dogs there must be helmets.

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May 22Liked by J. F. Riordan

And if you happen to put them on your pups, photos, please!

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North of you, things seem to be already petering out. Thankfully. The "weather porn" on the channel available on our basement TV was quite lurid, with a lot of red and orange and flashing graphics.

I shall advise my daughter with regard to bicycle helmets, but the thought of such a thing for her cat has me in similar giggles.

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Laughing at the image of cats with bicycle 🪖 helmets. 🤣

I’m glad everyone is safe so far.

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I'm glad you and your family are safe, but I have to share that a woman recently tweeted (we miss you there!) that a bike helmet saved her during a recent tornado. She went on to say that anyone living in the "Tornado Alley" should have helmets nearby.

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It ought to be obvious. But it’s still silly to contemplate.

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I am imagining the chaos if we tried to put helmets on our 4 cats. The storm outside would be nothing compared to the storm inside! Bob, our big laid back part-Maine Coon, who has allowed us to put bows on top of his head, might accept it, but not for long. But Sadie will take off for parts unknown. Misty would probably become a twisty pretzel, most cats' favorite tactic for escaping any situation where you try to do anything that's not their idea. Sam, our 17 year old orange tabby, who doesn't like to be picked up and is afraid of having his head held or even petted without advance notice, would take enough bites out of us to land us in the hospital.

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Maybe a crate would be a reasonable solution for cats.

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But, again, I’d sure like a photo of the helmets.

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May 22Liked by J. F. Riordan

Well, that has its own issues. Sam, amazingly, will walk right into one. But the other 3 suddenly sprout about 5 extra feet, all with claws, and hold onto all sides, top, us, while doing the twisty pretzel-y thing! And scratching us!

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Love your comments about your cats! I have two, both 16 but not related. Furby is also part Maine Coon, and Lucy is a Siamese mix. Neither would allow me to "helmet" them! You have my empathy! 😄

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May 22Liked by J. F. Riordan

Stay safe.

I did a quick Amazon check and there are dog helmets.. the problem is what Amazon considers a large dog to be is around half of Eli's size (which is actually still a big dog, lol!)

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Always the problem! And the ears! Maybe military surplus?

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I did some quick research. Prices start around $700.

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May 22Liked by J. F. Riordan

Stay safe you guys!!!!

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May 22Liked by J. F. Riordan

Preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. I think we may be living that way more and more and we might consider ourselves lucky if it’s only about the weather.

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I’m not saying I get a little crazy when bad weather looms, but I’m not not saying it, iykwim. “Weather porn” is the perfect description. I pack go bags and anxiously scan 4 different weather apps and 2 tv channels and pray. In my defense, we did get hit by a mini tornado last year that opened up on us with zero warning. Debris from all of our neighbors ended up on our lawn, including three giant custom wooden play sets, toys, a giant heat lamp, patio furniture, and other unidentifiable stuff. Our only damage was a broken window smashed by flying lumber. The scary thing was we had no time to get to the basement. And we were 10-15 ft from the stairs. It. Just. Hit. So I’ll be looking for bicycle helmets now, tyvm. You and the boys stay safe. And don’t forget the helmets.

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May 22Liked by J. F. Riordan

So glad you all made it through safely.

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Tornadoes are truly terrifying.

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My friend survived a tornado in northern WI wearing a cheesehead in the basement. Maybe Charlie would prefer that option instead.

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May 22Liked by J. F. Riordan

So glad your friend got through that safely, but 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂!!! My bf is a Cheesehead for life. He will enjoy hearing about this!!

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Another family friend survived a small airplane crash on a flight returning from Green Bay game to the Twin Cities. All survived. They credit their survival to wearing the cheeseheads they wore. ( The pilot was able to crash land the plane in a field. That may have helped as well.)

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OMG. I love this so much.

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May 22Liked by J. F. Riordan

Going to presume all of you are/will be safe from the storms but want to echo the rest of the comments to be safe! Hugs to the four of you. Enjoy those chocolates soon! 😊

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May 22Liked by J. F. Riordan

Stay safe and well🙏❤️

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Having worked and lived in Oklahoma’s tornado alley for almost 18 years of my younger life, I can only comment that the biggest danger often comes from flying debris especially broken glass that when moving at the speed of a tornado cuts thru most everything like a knife thru warm butter. So my advice is when the “watch” becomes a “warning” STAY AWAY from windows! You’re supposed to be in a bathroom or walk-in closet with no windows in the interior part of the house IF you’re above ground OR in a basement! The helmet helps in case a wall or ceiling falls on you! Dogs should at least be inside a GIANT size PetMate type hard-case sleeping or shipping case. Like the XL size dog show handlers put their pedigree dogs into when they travel and what we should have them inside in the back of our SUVs in case some idiot hits our vehicle despite our being good drivers so the dogs won’t go flying thru the windshield in an accident. Since you have 2 Germans like I mostly had, look for those crates. I call the giant ones sleeping crates. Since I have no basement, mine are in the great room. I leave the doors open and my kids crate themselves as they know it’s their safe space. Just a suggestion. But about the helmets, that’s a great idea too. Just stay AWAY from windows & broken glass. Many hugs to you & yours! 🤗❤️🤗

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Yes, all excellent advice. I have lived through two tornadoes, and do not wish to repeat. However, as I say, we are in an unusual position of being protected by the lake—not every coastal town is—and it’s a very good thing.

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