Jun 16Liked by J. F. Riordan

The part about the office calling washing machine…priceless.🤣

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Jun 16Liked by J. F. Riordan

That's when you set the phone number to call the manufacturer.

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love that.

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How is Auggie’s eye?

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He goes for a re-check tomorrow. We’ll see.

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Jun 16Liked by J. F. Riordan

My ADDHD kicked in when you mentioned the dogs in your writing.

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Jun 16Liked by J. F. Riordan

When I read this, I was reminded of my sister's experience a noisy appliance. She had a cockatiel and a budgie whose cages were located in the kitchen with the microwave. When the microwave finished nuking, it let out a loud sustained beeeep.

One day, my sister heard the microwave and commented to her husband, "You're food is heated." He responded that he hadn't been cooking anything. My sister opened the microwave, and sure enough, nothing was there.

It happened a couple of more times, when finally, she was in the kitchen when the budgie let loose her rendition of the microwave beeeep. Yep. The budgie repeated the appliance with perfect pitch.

So...I guess, it can get worse. If you have a mimic located near the beeping, gurgling, annoying applicance! ;)

Love the boys!

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Jun 16Liked by J. F. Riordan

I can sympathize. For me, technology got to be "too much" with smart phones. I am not a Luddite, I build computer systems as a sideline/hobby. In my big city, train stations can have hundreds of people waiting to catch one. There is a very good chance that the world's most famous movie actor or glamorous model could walk from end of the train platform to the other end and no one would notice because everyone is staring intently at their phone. When I am out and about, I like to people watch and site see. I check my phone 2-3x's week and 2/3's of the time it's for business. If I ever won the lottery then that frequency would go down. I do call friends and family a couple of times a month.

I text even less. "Machete don't text." (Movie reference) Friends will rib me because my smart phone is 6yrs+ old and slow by today's standards, I'll then call them even if they are only 10ft away and respond: "My phone works fine, you can hear me, it's doing what it's supposed to." My generation might be the last to have seen family stay in touch by once a month letters because long distance telephone calls were expensive, telephone calls were for Christmas, birthdays & other special occasions or very urgent manners and you could include a picture with the letter. Letters felt valuable because you could hold them in your hand, you could silently read the letter in the writer's voice and/or mannerisms and add pictures to a photo album. You could have a "special place" where you kept your letters. Digital means have made communication much easier than it used to be but somehow also devalued it.

"Kids today.. They just don't understand. Back in my day.." 😉

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All true.

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Jun 16Liked by J. F. Riordan

2 Good Boys! 😊🐾🐶

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Jun 16Liked by J. F. Riordan

Thanks for the essay and photo. I love "refrigerator squirrels" and "electronic toddlers".

I have a friend trying to get us to Go Smart. He can be downstairs and turn on the Roomba in his upstairs bedroom.

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Just say no.

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Jun 16Liked by J. F. Riordan

I totally agree. These appliances are out of control. My washer is now around 5-10 years old, but it sings a little song at the end of its cycle. Why, I do notice, from the other room, when it’s stopped spinning.

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Your writing always [somethings] me, where something could be [stimulate, entertain, make me smile, ...]. I am curious though. Why did you think they were red squirrels vs. grey? As a Doc Martin fan, where the greys vs. the reds was a plot line, how would you know by the sound? Or is it just that the squirrels in that area are all red (which, by the way, would make Stewart the Forest Ranger very happy, not to mention his friend Anthony)?

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We have several species of squirrels, including gray and red. Red squirrels are extremely vocal, fast-moving, and very aggressive. You can tell the difference easily by sound.

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That’s interesting! Thank you.

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Jun 16Liked by J. F. Riordan

This is sooooo spot on! I love my silence and have grown to get very irritated when it’s stolen from my “quiet time” (unwanted noises & people are at the top of the list). Thanks for the reminder on appliances - kitchen replacements needed soon.

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Jun 16Liked by J. F. Riordan

Hello handsome boys!

Those appliances are a nightmare. Too bad they couldn’t be turned off!

But people are still worse. Exhausting neediness in the way they post their every doings on social media. 🙄

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Jun 16Liked by J. F. Riordan

I need a new rice cooker soon, but all the ones that do what I want make all sorts of sounds and some even TALK in telling when they are done doing their job. I’m hoping my clunker holds out until I can find a silent one exactly like it. Keep hope alive! 🤦‍♀️

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Jun 16Liked by J. F. Riordan

so glad i am not the only one that can go off the rails with all the beeping and the blue and red lights everywhere. have to unplug everything unpluggable. i live in fear of an appliance 'going' because god knows what i will end up with. i have a1974 old garland restaurant stove that is big but simple. it moved in the house when i did and god willing will leave with me when i go.

paws crossed for Auggie and his eye tomorrow.

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Kinda makes you rethink the essay collection title...? Give your guy an Atta-boy for me.

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It is both sincere and ironic.

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Jun 16Liked by J. F. Riordan

I’m always coming back downstairs, well after we’ve turned in, to shut the dishwasher up!

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It's a lovely quiet Sunday here: no TV, both cats sleeping, so devoid of irritating noise, I can hear the central fan blowing. I could do a load of laundry if I roused myself from my chair, but my Samsung washer plays that little tune when it finishes, not to mention the sounds it makes while it's churning. Laundry tomorrow. Today, I enjoy the quiet while it's here. 🙂

Fingers crossed for Auggie! 🤞

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Samsung plays Die Forelle by Franz Schubert.

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Jun 16Liked by J. F. Riordan

Our washer does speak, but the dryer buzzes-but only once.

If the dishwasher speaks, there’s no one to heat as it runs overnight. The stove, similar to your description, beeps for every new setting-but when the timer beeps, you literally can’t hear it in the next room.

Ahhh, progress …

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