Been thinking of you and your writing. Wonderful to hear about your spiritual experience; how lovely! 🥰

Great, too, that you’re feeling so good about the progress.

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Honestly, I’d feel better if I were done.

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A gift at the close of the day. What magic.

Safe travels. The sunset over the cranberry bogs in the center of Wisconsin is something special, if you get lucky enough to be driving through that area that time of day.

But (say it with me) watch out fer deer.

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Talking about this same phenomenon with an old friend (Hi Evan!) He cited Anne Lamott saying, about writing, "Listen to your broccoli, and your broccoli will tell you how to eat it." It's basically exactly what you said--but with broccoli.

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Love Anne Lamott.

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Sep 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

Thanks for sharing an inside view of your magic…I wrote a health related weekly column for our local paper for 15 years, often I would sit in front of my screen during my weekly writing time, nothing coming, I’d get up, get some tea or coffee, pet the dog, and return to my keyboard, and usually from out of nowhere a stellar column would unfold. 🍎

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Sep 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

There is a saying about writing jokes: "Good jokes are written, Great jokes are re-written."

I shall borrow a phrase from an African acquaintance: "I wish you a good journey in your tasks ahead." 🔖📕✍️

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Sep 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

How gratifying it must be to have such a breakthrough!

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Sep 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

I have my moments too- slow start, fast finish- wow, it’s 8(pm). I’m reminded of a Dave Matthews quote about songwriting he said many years ago (in all its relative grossness- sorry. To paraphrase- “when it starts, it’s like diarrhea, it just goes and goes and there is no stopping it”. Alrighty then…

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Sep 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

No matter where your life is taking you... writer, business owner, philanthropist, whatever... things just seem to pop now and then... I don't question it, I just go with it! Congratulations to you!

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Sep 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

Enjoy your brief getaway to celebrate your friend’s birthday. Relish the joy of taking a break and visiting with your friend. Your book writing journey is quite extraordinary. Thank you for sharing this journey. Safe driving. Eli and Auggie have fun at the lake with Dad.

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Sep 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

Six more pages!!!.......with a subtle suggestion from hubby. Is he sharing in royalties? 😂😂😂😂😂

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Sep 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

“Where did this come from?” With all due respect to your boundless talent, I’d also like to credit Eli’s magic touch and psychic dog powers. 🥰

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Sep 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

Yes! That is how writing happens: percolating away in the back of my mind, then later flowing into place and spilling onto the keyboard/page. This is especially true for something I've rewritten a couple of times. The words are all there, and the ideas, and I must leave them alone to sort themselves and let them decide where everyone should be.

But if I ignore them too long, they slip away, thieves in the night with the family silver.

Safe travels!

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Sep 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

Perhaps the magic paw from Eli gave you that spark? I think my cat has the same effect, when she suddenly crawls onto my lap I seem to remember what it was that I had to add to my grocery list or text someone I had forgotten about, or finish that anniversary greeting in a card that doesn’t sound like a Hallmark script.

This does not compare to your novel writing but there is something about having that animal around. Unexplainable but undeniable. They are a catalyst.

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Sep 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

Reading this makes me so excited to read the new book. Can’t wait! Maybe Auggie is soulful because he knew Mom was going to be gone for a while. Such a beautiful picture of this handsome lad.❤️ Well, in truth, Auggie could never take a bad picture.

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I think that’s why, too.

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Sep 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

That's awesome. I envy authors. To be able to paint a picture with words must be amazing. : )

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Sep 19Liked by J. F. Riordan

I’m a reader who appreciates great writers. Thank you for adding such enjoyment to my life!

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