Oh my goodness, what love there is in this. Bless you.

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May your remaining days together be sweet and gentle. And may we all know such love and devotion. ❤️

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Thank you. Reggie has been gone many years, but we remember him with love, and keep on loving our dogs, each in their time, and with all our hearts.

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Jun 13Liked by J. F. Riordan

You really can’t do this to me so early in the morning. Now I have to explain to my new baby pup why I’m holding him so tight, and getting his fur all wet.

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What a wonderful life Reggie has had with you, your love and commitment to him shines through in this piece. Best wishes to you both in his last days.

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Thank you. Reggie is now many years gone, but we continue to love each dog with everything we’ve got.

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Don't I feel dumb! I missed that your loving essay was from your book, thank you for your graceful understanding.

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Please don’t trouble yourself; it was an easy mistake to make. I just didn’t want you to be under a false impression.

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Jun 13Liked by J. F. Riordan

This broke my heart, but also filled it with thankfulness for the fact that I understand. It took me a while to become a “dog person,” but thanks to my previous dog Jack (and my current dog Cody), I get it. Loving dogs and getting that love returned many-fold is a blessing. Thank you for the reminder!

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Jun 13Liked by J. F. Riordan

I’m going to save this as it reached deep to my soul and grabbed on—possibly to remain with me as long as I have memory. This is truly beautiful and those of us who love our animal babies truly understand. ❤️

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Jun 13Liked by J. F. Riordan

Yes, we do understand….deeply

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Jun 13Liked by J. F. Riordan


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Jun 13Liked by J. F. Riordan

Thank you for sharing. When the vet told us there was nothing left to be done for our kitty we brought her home, laid her on her favorite blankie near my husband and I. By morning she had crossed over. She took a piece of my heart with her.

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I understand completely.

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Jun 13Liked by J. F. Riordan

It's so hard. 😔

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Jun 13Liked by J. F. Riordan

Sitting at the nurses’ station I burst into tears. Everyone around me had a story to tell about the loss of a dog. We all teared up for a bit and now it’s back to work. This is one of the most beautiful tributes I have ever read💔

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How wonderful that your group had that experience together. ❤️

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Jun 13Liked by J. F. Riordan

My half lab/ half ridgeback is aging with the graying face like Reggie’s.

I am trying to treasure our days more acutely because, while healthy so far, I know our days are numbered. We have been aging together as I turn 79 in August…we are soul buddies.

Thank you for your keenly sensitive writing….of such depth.

I feel such a part of the community you have created here…💕💕💕 sue

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We love them while we can. I’m glad you’re here.

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Thank you for this story. I lost my 5 yr old Gracie a few weeks ago. Italian Greyhound. From complications of chronic bronchitis. They think she threw a clot. What hurts is her brother has the same thing. He has been sick longer than she was. He will be crossing the bridge soon too. The frustration of not being able to fix them is so very painful.

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I am so sorry. Two at once is a terrible blow squared.

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That's a huge burden, and I wish you and your beloved brother dog grace and comfort. May your memories of both your lovely dog souls bring you happy feelings in time. Sending you hugs. ❤️

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Jun 13Liked by J. F. Riordan

The hardest part of having these wonderful pets is letting them go. We currently have an old man that is 12 1/2 years old is currently on the decline. We started fostering him at 8 weeks old and when he came to us, he said I’m good. We love Oliver Blue to bits.😥🐶😥

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Love him hard, and then let him go when you must. It’s the hardest thing.

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Jun 13Liked by J. F. Riordan

Being a dog person is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing for all of the wonderful days we have with them. A curse for the first day we don’t.

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So true.

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Jun 13Liked by J. F. Riordan


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Jun 13Liked by J. F. Riordan

So, so beautiful. I cried the first time I read this passage, too.

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