Jun 12Liked by J. F. Riordan

What a beautiful story. I’m so happy the earring turned up. Precious memories of our parents are all many of us have left. Love the picture, too.

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Jun 12Liked by J. F. Riordan

Oh dear, this stirred up some lovely emotions about my parents, who have long passed, and rumination about where I am at in my life. These reflections are such a valuable means of counting and deeply appreciating one’s blessings, aren’t they? Thank you also for reminding me that there are still a few stories in your book left for me to read. This one, however, will definitely be a favorite. Enjoy your day ~

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Jun 12Liked by J. F. Riordan

This is a wonderful story and it made me reflect on the real things of importance in our lives

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Jun 12Liked by J. F. Riordan

What a wonderful story!

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I myself don't believe our loved ones who have passed away can act in tangible ways in this world... but I do believe that God frequently acts in tangible, physical ways He knows we can feel and understand and see. (This is why He created dogs, I believe.)

"Just things" do carry big emotions sometimes. It's okay that they do, despite our Puritanical lambasting of ourselves that material things "shouldn't" matter. God could've created us to live in pools of nutrient gas, but He put us in a garden after He made us.

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I love this. Thank you.

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Jun 12Liked by J. F. Riordan

Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful experience! It brought tears AND chills😄. Hugs to you and Charlie and the puppers from NC💙

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Jun 12Liked by J. F. Riordan

Oh, happy day! I know that sickening feeling when a beloved keepsake is lost, how it sits in your memory bank causing unexpected sadness at times. I like a story with a good ending!

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Jun 12Liked by J. F. Riordan

Happy Birthday! And yes, I have little doubt your Dad sent back to you the earring once lost! I once rolled my SUV onto its side in the rain and was about to hit the side of a vacant motel. I said to the powers that be that I didn’t want to die then - two of my Birder Collies were with me- and wonders! my heavy vehicle slowed to a stop inches away from that wall. This happened while I was on my way to see my Mother shortly after my Dad had passed. I believe he heard my prayer.

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Glad you’re all okay! (It’s not my birthday, but thank you all the same.) 😎

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Jun 12Liked by J. F. Riordan

One of my favourite of your Reflections. Of course it was your father! I hope you feel him close to you today🙏

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Jun 12Liked by J. F. Riordan

A true gift 😊

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Jun 12Liked by J. F. Riordan

Shmoo!! 😊🐾

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Jun 12Liked by J. F. Riordan

Oh wow … that discovery of the earring on your birthday took my breath away.

And that photo of you and Eli perfectly captures the mood. 💕

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Jun 12Liked by J. F. Riordan

I wore my late dad’s gold retirement watch on occasion and without much thought put it in for a trip some where around the first of the year on the airlines.

It was a bit of a kerfuffle going through the metal detector and I was 30 minutes removed from the checkpoint when I realized I didn’t have my watch on and that it hadn’t even been in the tray when I put myself back together after passing through security. Someone decided they wanted it more than I deserved to keep it.

Still breaks my heart that it’s no longer part of my life, but dad’s ashes are in a beautiful box in my office watching over me, and that’s what’s really important.

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I am so sorry. But that you have found peace with it is a gift in itself.

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Jun 12Liked by J. F. Riordan

I totally relate to this experience! Not only about losing a sentimental item of my parents but also to the feeling of one of them “helping” from the beyond. Thank you for this story.

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Jun 12Liked by J. F. Riordan

Life and its twists and turns. The small and large surprises enrich us in different ways. I often re-read your essays finding

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Jun 12Liked by J. F. Riordan

Continued…(hit send too soon) Finding a new source of inspiration each time. Good day all, especially to Auggie and Eli.

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Thanks for your kind words.

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