Jun 19Liked by J. F. Riordan

The best yet! How perfect for the state of society today. Thank you.

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Jun 19Liked by J. F. Riordan

"..the fairy at my gate, disguised as a beggar." I like that description.

There is much wisdom here. 👏👏👏🤌

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Jun 19Liked by J. F. Riordan

Ah, Moses was truly magnificent. Whenever he saw someone or something close to your heart then they instantly became close to his heart. I doubt anything was closer to his heart than you were.

Moses was truly an incredible soul. 😊🐾

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I know you know from personal experience with your own once-in-a-lifetime dog.

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Jun 19Liked by J. F. Riordan

I do. 😊🐾

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Jun 19Liked by J. F. Riordan

Moses was a good shepherd.

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It is just ridiculous what some people are doing to children, particularly little girls when it comes to this subject. I delight at watching the 5 and 7 year old sisters across the street run up and down the sidewalk in their princess and fairy costumes. We are very friendly with them and their young parents so much so that we are like family. So it is delightful to see the 30 something parents have many fairy tale books of old ( with those great illustrations from the golden age of illustration) as well as books on accepting people no matter how different they are for their little girls to read.

Sadly the young mother next door told me her little 4 year old girl was not allowed to wear a dress to her daycare. They wanted the children to dress gender neutral! It was her daughter’s birthday and the child wanted to wear a dress that day so her mother let her. When she arrived at the daycare they sent her home to change!! What is happening? .

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I would to know who decides what clothing is “gender neutral”.

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Jun 19Liked by J. F. Riordan

This is so utterly ridiculous. I feel sorry for the 4 yr old girl. It has become so very twisted in some circles, institutions (daycare??) that if I were the mother I’d be considering a change. How about sending home a 4 yr old boy because he is not wearing a skirt - that’s essentially what they are saying.

Daycare worker or teacher has no right to declare what’s appropriate in my children’s wardrobe.

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Jun 19Liked by J. F. Riordan


He’d have made a great character in a fairy tale. Love your reading of them. Makes sense to me!

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Jun 19Liked by J. F. Riordan

Again, the wisdom of dogs.

The life lessons from fairy tales are very much like the lessons in the Bible. (Not mike johnson’s “the ends justify the means” version.). And truly, beware false prophets.

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Jun 19Liked by J. F. Riordan

Great analogy; I wouldn't have thought of it but I like it. I do sometimes return to read the End Times prophecies in the KJV. Lots of false prophets and fake sorcerers around these days.

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Jun 19Liked by J. F. Riordan

As an only child, I lived in books and fairytales were always a favorite. The thought of restricting fairytales which might harm young minds, in light of what the world is like today, is ridiculous to the point of hilarity. Except it isn’t really funny.

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Jun 19Liked by J. F. Riordan

Beautiful. Many thanks! ♡♡♡♡

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Jun 19Liked by J. F. Riordan

I have 2 of my mom's books she had when she was young. Both filled with fairytales. I read them when I was young and kept them for my kids. They are still in my bookcase. I take them out every once in awhile. But I also watch Disney mostly for the fairytales in movie form. I cannot think why anyone would want to keep kids from reading those wonderful stories. My mom would have been 91 yrs old this year and I thank her for giving me those books that kept me reading. Thank you for your story. Agree totally with you.

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Jun 19Liked by J. F. Riordan

Moses, what a good dog! We always had GSDs when I was growing up and I recall Shadow who had his own idea of how far out into the water we could go; an invisible barrier. He would patrol and push us back into his safe zone for us. It was precious.

I have reread "But Still They Sing" twice now. And I LOVE this story! I especially like 1 and 6 and 10. There is evil "out there" but there is also wonder and beauty and magic! Thank you for this elegant reminder!

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Jun 19Liked by J. F. Riordan

Another J. F. Riordan essay to begin the day with your magical writing. Brings back so many childhood memories. I remember those page turning moments while learning to read. Then reading turned to drawing and writing. I still write cursive. The gift of imagination. Thank you.

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Jun 19Liked by J. F. Riordan

Love this! So true. And that sweet Moses! ❤️❤️❤️

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Jun 19Liked by J. F. Riordan

What a great piece! I never got the childhood book of fairytales, but learned them “aslant” from Anne Sexton’s book where she rewrote them.

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Jun 19Liked by J. F. Riordan

I forgot to add Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clara Pinkola Estes

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Jun 19Liked by J. F. Riordan

What an interesting take on fairy tales and the messages they contain. Thank you.

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Jun 19Liked by J. F. Riordan

This was an incredibly amazing read. And that photo of wise, gentle and kind Moses... my heart! My maternal grandmother would have been 110 on Monday; I had her for 32 precious years. She gave me two fairytale books: Hans Christian Andersen and the Brothers Grimm, with unusual cloth-like spines. I still have and cherish them today. What a blessing to read your essay that brought back memories of reading those fairytales over and over. Thank you. ✨️🙏🏼

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