Jun 14Liked by J. F. Riordan

I remember these pics. And I agree. Compared to other pics of Pete, he IS smiling in this one.

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Jun 14Liked by J. F. Riordan

My father would take our female doberman (1st one) out for a morning walk before he went to work when I was a kid, there was a small forest behind our house. One morning, he stood and waited for the dog to come out of the bushes, she zipped right out and right behind her was a skunk. He got it point blank, about 90% of the spray and the dog got the rest. My mom did a quick run to the country store and got about 10 big cans of tomato juice. Soap and water doesn't do a lot for that smell. If you've never smelled a skunk spray, it's INCREDIBLY strong and putrid. There is no mistaking it for anything else.

We ribbed my father for a bit, calling him "Pepe Le Pew". 🦨😁 (Pete was definitely laughing.)

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What a story!

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Jun 14Liked by J. F. Riordan

1st pic, Moses is like: "I think we can all agree this is not my finest moment, let's move along as quickly as possible." 🦨😁

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Jun 14Liked by J. F. Riordan

2nd pic: Moses is like: "When I woke up this morning.. I sure did not think the day would end with being skunked and a face full of tomato juice." 🦨🍅😁

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Jun 14Liked by J. F. Riordan

Yes, I think Pete is laughing and keeping his distance!

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By the time we were finished, Moses had gotten his revenge by covering all of us with tomato paste. I had to sit down from laughing.

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LOLOL (how hard is it to get tomato paste out of fur?)

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Not hard.

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thx (it's always in the pantry but I wouldn't have thought of it)

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It will stain a white dog pink. Just fyi.

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Jun 14Liked by J. F. Riordan

This is my favorite story of the boys from years ago. When your husband recounted it on air on MSNBC it was the story that encouraged me to follow you on Twitter. From that follow I came to read the first book of the North of the Tension Line series and then the entire series. I must say it’s one of my favorite series of books. Some of the few I find great pleasure in rereading.

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That’s really lovely to hear. Thank you.

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Jun 14Liked by J. F. Riordan

Oh my, poor Moses! Thankfully in 22 yrs of living in the forest in the SE Tn mountains our 3 never encountered a skunk. I could smell them around the house once in a while. Hans had 2 encounters with a toad and came to the front door looking as if he had a Santa Claus beard. Being a dachshund, the first time wasn’t enough so he had to give it another go.

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Jun 14Liked by J. F. Riordan

Hans the dachshund... that is perfect! 😄 We had a miniature Dachshund when I was growing up. I never knew why Mom named her Judy, but she was a great guard dog. ❤️

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He was such a good boy and my heart dog. July 30th will be a year since we lost him unexpectedly. Two years after we got him we added our first female in years and named her Gretel. My husband’s family was always I to the German names for them. Our first three when we were married were Heidi, Schatzie, and Olga. Next came Morgen and Kaiser. When we lost Hans Gretel wasn’t doing well since she had never been alone. So even though we hadn’t gone thru the pitfalls of a puppy in almost 10 years, we added Baron to our family last October. They are working it out and even though Gretel protests sometimes, we think she likes him!

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All great names. I am very sorry for your loss of Hans; that had to be especially devastating for you. Sending you some big hugs, and I predict Gretel and Baron will soon be getting along like gangbusters.

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I am so sorry about Hans. I am glad to hear you’re honoring him by loving Gretel and Baron.

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This is one of those "I REALLY shouldn't laugh!" stories.... but Pete is.

What's the enzyme used? (I have used tomato juice successfully; it also works on sunburn.)

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Nature’s Miracle Skunk Odor Remover

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I laughed the first time I read this in the book, it reminded me to always have skunk off handy! When Tanner goes crazy at night and barks to go out and chase whoever is encroaching on the yard I always stick my nose out first to get a good whiff to make sure it is all clear!

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I have used a recipe recommended by a friend whose dog needed the skunk treatment often. Hydrogen peroxide, dish soap and baking soda. You can find the recipe on line.

It works!

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I just got rid of my three ancient bottles of hydrogen peroxide I’d been keeping for that purpose. In my experience, when you have a full-on skunk situation, you don’t want to be mixing chemicals in the kitchen sink. You want to open a bottle pour it on. But maybe that’s just me. 😎

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Jun 14Liked by J. F. Riordan


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Jun 14Liked by J. F. Riordan

Oh Moses, Moses, Moses!

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When I lived in the country we used Massengill douche. Three packets to treat our 56-pound Golden mix. She stunk in the rain for months afterward, but it was somewhat effective.

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Jun 14Liked by J. F. Riordan

Another doggie teaching moment! Now I need to re-read more of your essays today while enjoying a nice fresh air and sunny day. A good start for the weekend. Hugs for Eli and Auggie.

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Jun 14Liked by J. F. Riordan

One of my most favorite pics of the boys. Poor Moses, but Pete snickering in the background is gold!

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