So good to see Pete again. I agree with you and watched “Despicable Me 4” last night 😃. Very enjoyable but would rather be on a vineyard tour. Have fun
on Glidepath to Joy. Basking in puppy pictures. Amazingly calm, surprisingly confident -- based on nothing really but a core belief that Americans, humans, will not en masse choose darkness over light! Ill hold this thought until.proven wrong.
Thank you so much for posting photos of all your beautiful lads. It’s a stroke of genius to pick this particular time to be on a French wine country vacation. I can’t imagine anything better. Even if you’re helping your daughter with her new home, you’re doing it somewhere beautiful, with a loving family, and you’re not in the middle of today’s craziness. Brilliant move.
Today’s post is just what I needed. My 80 year old husband fell down the stairs over the weekend and is in the hospital, hopefully coming home today. It’s going to be rough going for a while, but your posts and photos will brighten the day for sure. Have a sip, or two, of wine for me, please, when sampling. I’d appreciate it. Thank you.
Oh my gosh, Judy ... that must have been so scary! 😲 I hope you get your husband back home today and life is easier than anticipated. May angels watch over you both through his recovery. 🤞🙏❤️
Already decided I won't watch any early election results tonight; 📺 I'm so weary of the hateful ads (no names needed 🤐) and the ads in general, my mind needs a break. 😮💨 Maybe some wine 🍷 or a good whiskey, 🥃 maybe some ice cream,🍦 heck, maybe two of the three! Please keep enjoying those gorgeous surroundings and your trip to the vineyards, 🍇 and a sincere thank you 🫶 for the lovely bounty of puppy pictures. 🐕 They always make everything better! ❤️
Just the right amount of pictures of dogs and/or puppies. (Actually you can never have too many pictures of doggos.)
Americans seem to need a civics lesson. Each state counts its votes differently. In my state, for reasons that evade me, absentee and mail-in ballots can’t even be opened until the polls close. The least we can do is wait for the votes to be counted. But, then the least we can do is pretty much what we do. Yes, we want to know the outcome as soon as possible. But, as a human being, don’t you see when you are being used by whipped into a frenzy?
Polls, like statistics, are for the birds. They can be manipulated to be whatever you would like to project. I have been ignoring all that hoopla for quite a while now. Today will be a busy day and the elections have to take a backseat. I promised myself to stay calm and cool about whatever the results will be. However, I would love to celebrate a country who still knows what’s good for it. Let’s see democracy win!
I went straight to the puppies pictures to begin the day. Ah, Pete and Moses warming my heart. Eli and Auggie just glorious watching them grow and become good pals. Praying that democracy and decency survive. Now it’s up to us. Enjoy the vineyard and wine tasting.
Great advice. Think I’ll do some knitting, as I hope to have a shawl done for my daughter’s December graduation with her Masters in Library & Information Sciences degree.
Well, I’m going to my water Pilates class, then one last campaign sign hold for a friend running for local office. I’m spending the afternoon with another friend who is helping me clean my garage. I’m going to a local watch party. We know all national results won’t probably be known, but we want to celebrate our local candidates and all our hard work. Thanks for all the doggie pics. They help so much. Enjoy your day and evening!
So good to see Pete again. I agree with you and watched “Despicable Me 4” last night 😃. Very enjoyable but would rather be on a vineyard tour. Have fun
on Glidepath to Joy. Basking in puppy pictures. Amazingly calm, surprisingly confident -- based on nothing really but a core belief that Americans, humans, will not en masse choose darkness over light! Ill hold this thought until.proven wrong.
Enjoy the winery.
Thank you so much for posting photos of all your beautiful lads. It’s a stroke of genius to pick this particular time to be on a French wine country vacation. I can’t imagine anything better. Even if you’re helping your daughter with her new home, you’re doing it somewhere beautiful, with a loving family, and you’re not in the middle of today’s craziness. Brilliant move.
Today’s post is just what I needed. My 80 year old husband fell down the stairs over the weekend and is in the hospital, hopefully coming home today. It’s going to be rough going for a while, but your posts and photos will brighten the day for sure. Have a sip, or two, of wine for me, please, when sampling. I’d appreciate it. Thank you.
Best wishes for a healthy recovery to your husband. Take care, and we will drink to you both. ❤️
Thank you, Jan. That means a lot. ❤️
Oh my gosh, Judy ... that must have been so scary! 😲 I hope you get your husband back home today and life is easier than anticipated. May angels watch over you both through his recovery. 🤞🙏❤️
Thank you so much, Lori. Your caring thoughts are much appreciated. We will certainly need those angels.
Nooo! iI’m so sorry to hear that, Judy, Wishing him a speedy recovery.
Much appreciated, Gina. Thank you.
Oh Judy, I’m so sorry. A fall is scary. Steady as she goes. Be well.🌷
Judy, I’m so sorry and hope healing is fast! 🤗
I hope your husband has a speedy recovery.
Thank you for the photos. When I can’t sleep (like right now), I imagine playing with one of my dearly departed pooches.
Already decided I won't watch any early election results tonight; 📺 I'm so weary of the hateful ads (no names needed 🤐) and the ads in general, my mind needs a break. 😮💨 Maybe some wine 🍷 or a good whiskey, 🥃 maybe some ice cream,🍦 heck, maybe two of the three! Please keep enjoying those gorgeous surroundings and your trip to the vineyards, 🍇 and a sincere thank you 🫶 for the lovely bounty of puppy pictures. 🐕 They always make everything better! ❤️
Just the right amount of pictures of dogs and/or puppies. (Actually you can never have too many pictures of doggos.)
Americans seem to need a civics lesson. Each state counts its votes differently. In my state, for reasons that evade me, absentee and mail-in ballots can’t even be opened until the polls close. The least we can do is wait for the votes to be counted. But, then the least we can do is pretty much what we do. Yes, we want to know the outcome as soon as possible. But, as a human being, don’t you see when you are being used by whipped into a frenzy?
(3rd row from the bottom, right.)
"Why does this puppy dog with the BIG FEETS love me so?" - Pete 😊🐾
They’re all adorable. My favourite is Moses(?) with the red ball. Nothing cuter than a puppy commanding an oversized toy!
That’s Eli! And can you see how he struts like a Clydesdale?
Even though the Germans are such beautiful boys, Pete has always been my favorite. He is the classic picture of a handsome older gentleman.
Have a great time at the vineyards.
Polls, like statistics, are for the birds. They can be manipulated to be whatever you would like to project. I have been ignoring all that hoopla for quite a while now. Today will be a busy day and the elections have to take a backseat. I promised myself to stay calm and cool about whatever the results will be. However, I would love to celebrate a country who still knows what’s good for it. Let’s see democracy win!
Also remember, 82M people have early voted.
In some states those votes can't be processed until today so we won't see those results for a bit.
In some states, early voting is over 60% of 2020's total vote.
So if the lines are long, we have record turnout.
I went straight to the puppies pictures to begin the day. Ah, Pete and Moses warming my heart. Eli and Auggie just glorious watching them grow and become good pals. Praying that democracy and decency survive. Now it’s up to us. Enjoy the vineyard and wine tasting.
Great advice. Think I’ll do some knitting, as I hope to have a shawl done for my daughter’s December graduation with her Masters in Library & Information Sciences degree.
Well, I’m going to my water Pilates class, then one last campaign sign hold for a friend running for local office. I’m spending the afternoon with another friend who is helping me clean my garage. I’m going to a local watch party. We know all national results won’t probably be known, but we want to celebrate our local candidates and all our hard work. Thanks for all the doggie pics. They help so much. Enjoy your day and evening!
I’m tired just thinking about all that!
Great advice and great pup pictures. Enjoy the peace and hope for the best!
And Pete has raised them all!💝