Jun 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

I’ll never understand people who look away when they see someone in distress.

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Jun 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

I Remember this from the book and smiling because most people are good and of course you would worry about the don sitter's number!

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Jun 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

Loved this!

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Jun 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

I have read your books of essays , and I do remember this story. I constantly need reminding to be kind to all. I try, but sometimes fall short. I have encountered a few bullies while getting signatures for our ballot initiatives,but i have learned to just thank them, and say “Have a nice day!” Most people are nice, even if they don’t want to sign! Thanks for all you do!

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Jun 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

new yorkers are like romans. they’re super mean and suspicious initially but then become immensely kind in a quick reversal

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So true.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

We are often taught to fear, fear, fear strangers, and surely there are dangers out there, but I have to say that far more often, when traveling, my own experiences show that many people are... normal humans with normal compassion and kindness.

In 1987, my parents had to travel internationally, with 24 hr layover in Amsterdam at Schipol with 4 small children. We had 12 suitcases and 6 carry-ons -- a traveling circus.

When we arrived in the middle of the night, my parents wanted to stash our luggage in lockers at the airport rather than haul all of it in a taxi to our hotel, but we had no guilder and none of the money change places in the airport were open.

A complete stranger helped us. Gave my dad coins for the lockers. Helped us find snacks. Lovely.

And that's hardly the only story that I have.

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Jun 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

Stories like these renew my faith in human nature...and cabbies!

Yay, Auggie.

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Jun 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

Amazing story! Love it!!!!❤️❤️

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Jun 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

My friend & I were in Kobe Japan (our 1st of 3 business trips) in October 2004 and something similar happened. The hotel folks took our luggage & put it in a cab, and we ended up in a different cab. When we got out at the station to catch the bus to Kansai International, we looked at the cabbie (who didn't speak English) & gestured to open the trunk for our luggage. Obviously, no luggage. We were both totally freaking out. Through hand gestures, he figured something out, made a call, & 10 minutes later, our luggage shows up! THAT cabbie refused to take any money from us. It was nuts.

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Jun 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

What a lovely (and thrilling) story!

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Jun 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

This might be a life-saving story for those who have become misanthropic over the last eight years. I also think of the multitude of kindnesses that are so small we might never know about. We need them all.

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Your traveling companion that you've known for over 30yrs, So you met each other when you were around 8yrs old then or so.. 😁🧮

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But no more than that.

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Jun 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

10/10 on Auggie's dive! 🫧🤿🐶 🔟🏅😁

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Jun 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

Yay Auggie!

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Great story, and told so well! Kindness to others is needed now more than ever, I needed this uplifting story today.

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Jun 18Liked by J. F. Riordan

A wonderful story and another reminder that immigrants DO make this country great.

That is one big, wet puppy! What appealed to you about having German Shepherds?

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I saw the relationship a woman I worked with had with hers and I wanted that.

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