Jun 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

I really didn't mean to laugh at the pictures... Really.

I too love the earliest hours of our days. Thank you for this beautiful essay. With its remembrance of past doggie loves too. You write from the soul of a poet and it lifts my heart.

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Jun 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

I am currently raising our new golden retriever puppy, and his GO button seems to be set permanently at 4:30 AM. High desert dawns are spectacular- and I wish I had your gifts to describe them! Just a lovely essay…

Sorry you got squashed, but it is your job to provide aid and comfort to the 4-legged ones.😊

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I haven't yet made the move to waking before the sunrise to begin work. Although in the winter? I'm finding I do not mind the short days so much anymore. My little square office becomes a tiny cocoon when the windows are dark.

PS: Oh, Eli, you goofball. Don't sit on Mom - you will squish her.

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Jun 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

When I used a sleeping bag, my big dobe would sometimes jump on the bed early in the morning and lay across my chest, I couldn't get my arms out when he did that and he's lick my face continuously and wag his tail. I'd be laughing, telling him to stop, I'd occasionally throw a light head butt trying to get him to stop (Never worked). I'd struggle back & forth, sometimes for maybe 5mins trying to get him off me and I could escape. As soon as I got an arm out, he zoom off the bed and then jump right back on the bed and and do a big flop on me. He found it all very amusing. 😁😊🐾

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Perfect way to wake up.

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Jun 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

Rain or shine, mornings are the best time of each day. The aroma of coffee and something tasty for breakfast launches a new day. Thank you for retrieving and sharing this beautiful essay. Eli, you and your pal Auggie are safe with Mom and Dad.

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Jun 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

I totally understand Eli & his fear of loud noises. I’m just glad that’s not me under him, though I know you’re perfectly safe.

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Jun 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

It’s always such a pleasure to read your work. And Eli, I think that’s what’s called “a hunk of burning love”. Hugs buddy.

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Jun 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

That photo is 100 laugh riots. My day starts much later than yours, so I appreciate your letting me know how the dawn looks.

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Jun 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

Early morning is bliss. I live on the edge of a conservancy and a golf course in the other direction. Lots of trees and creatures morning and night. Sunrise is my favorite time of day. However, at night my favorite sound is the frog 🐸 🎵 music.

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Jun 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

Beautiful read! But those two GDPs left me thinking: “wish I was there”. Eli never fails to leave me with unrequited hug vibes. 🥰

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Jun 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

Beautiful and evocative writing. Thank you.

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Jun 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

Wonderful description of the nuances of sunrise. Play it in reverse, and you have my time to reflect. I sit on my back patio watching the leaves turn darker and darker against the sky. The robins chirping looking for their bedtime snack, the bats, and the cicadas tuning up for their night serenade.

BTW: I'm still chuckling at your open eye under Eli. I'm sure that was a shock to the system when he landed on your head! My goodness!

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Jun 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

Love this meditation. Will reread.

As for Eli … Why mama’s head, I wonder? Funny 😁

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Jun 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

As opposed to mama’s tummy, legs, etc?

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Thanks, Evelyn.

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Jun 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

You are so lucky to reside in such a bucolic location that allows you to enjoy the beauty of the sunrise and plethora of wildlife. It may not be that Eli is afraid of the cloud burst but is making sure you are protected from the rain.

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Jun 20Liked by J. F. Riordan

I do enjoy the dog references. My Great Dane has been trembling in the tiny bathroom (sitting on the toilet seat) since the first thunderclap an hour ago. At least she’s not on my head, although she has done that many times before. I love our dogs and I love people who love them as well

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Need photos.

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