I cook my dog’s food too. Would you share your recipe?

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I can tell you what I use, but I no longer follow a recipe. 1 part Beef or turkey, 2 parts brown rice, pumpkin or sweet potato (dogs prefer sweet potato) a puree of cooked carrot and celery and sometimes green beans and/or broccoli. Sometimes homemade bone broth. Goat yogurt with purchased kibble for breakfast. I think of the kibble as cereal for breakfast.

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They also get fish oil, sometimes sardines, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin D. They usually get a probiotic, too, but I’ve run out at the moment.

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Auggie gets Boswellia, too. And they have freeze-dried beef liver treats. They’re both allergic to chicken.

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Jun 30Liked by J. F. Riordan

Thank you! I’m honored at your reply; I took a shot in the dark. I have followed you and your dogs for a long time. Your Moses story was my heart.

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You’re welcome. I’m glad you’re here.

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When a person can't control this big things (what a novel wants to do) the brain turns to more controllable things (a Toast Quest).

On Thursday, worried about current events, I dismantled a bookshelf and sorted its contents, which I finished, but which created a disaster in my office... Which I'll fix the next time I can't control a writing project or current events...

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At least that’s not fattening!

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Jun 30Liked by J. F. Riordan

You do whatever helps you get through the process—love the results. Nothing wrong with well made, healthy, toast. I have to say, toast in my house is nonexsistent. My husband and I gave it up several months ago. We replaced it with waffles! 🤪

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The odd thing is that I normally don’t eat bread at all.

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Like you don’t eat saltines?😜

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Well…not lately…I gave them up. And are saltines bread?

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Jun 30Liked by J. F. Riordan

I lump bread and crackers together- and am addicted to both. Going through withdrawal now- because a new wardrobe is out of the question!

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Jun 30Liked by J. F. Riordan

Thank you for sharing! You gave my mind a jumpstart in figuring out why I currently have such a ferocious appetite and my slacks fit more and more tightly by the minute, it seems. There is work to be done!

Thank you also for your great writing! I definitely look forward to your next book!!!

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Jun 30Liked by J. F. Riordan

Clothes shrink, don't you know that? Mine are proof.

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Jun 30Liked by J. F. Riordan

A treat at my grandmother’s house was crispy toast. She would bake the slices on a very low temp until they were crispy and buttery. I’ve tried making it many times over the years but it never tastes exactly like hers. I wonder if it was the love involved.

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Jun 30Liked by J. F. Riordan

Toast hound too. Yes and it has to be salted Irish butter. Unsalted for everything else! For me it is St. Dalfour Mirabelle Plum. I got up late and I think I will make a piece now !

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Jun 30Liked by J. F. Riordan

I’m so glad to read you are another person who makes homemade dog food. My brother does and I cannot believe the menu Packer gets! It’s a process but their dogs are (and were) always the healthiest and happiest. That is real TLC!

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The best bread comes from mom & pop bakeries. My grandparents lived in Chicago & there were plenty up there. The cinnamon bread was always my favorite!

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What. Is. The. Brand? I’ve been pretty happy with Dave’s Killer bread for sandwiches but it disappears in the toaster.

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That’s what I’m betting… but which variety? Understanding there is probably an invisible wall between the answer and those of us crazy to know for sure!

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I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.

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Hope the injury to your head wasn’t too bad.

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Jun 30Liked by J. F. Riordan

Toast is the answer to all life’s problems and challenges so I implore you to never stop writing and toasting 🥂 toast!

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what brand is the bread?

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Jun 30Liked by J. F. Riordan

Thanks as always for a great way to start my morning. Toaster be damned! But I have to comment…are those garden harlots in the pot next to Eli? Thanks to you I only ended up with two small pots of petunias . So hard to resist in the early spring. But every time I water them I hear your friend’s description. They are almost to the sticky stage which is yuk!

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I’m afraid they are, in fact, garden harlots, but from last year. True to form, they straggled into end of the season, stockings torn and mascara running.

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Jun 30Liked by J. F. Riordan

Toast, particularly made with variety of seeds and grains is tasty with salty Irish butter and grape jelly. Several months ago the Washington Post did a butter taste test. The winner was Trader Joe’s salted butter. It’s very good, but Irish butter is better. You inspire me to declutter my kitchen counter, but the toaster will stay. Enjoy this day. Eli, you are looking very handsome. Hugs to you and Auggie. J.F., your book will be quite good and worth waiting for.

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Jun 30Liked by J. F. Riordan

My husband is a bread maniac! We have 2 refrigerators and both are filled with bread and I have to place dates on them to keep track of old stuff. Keep reiterating that it’s bad cholesterol!

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Loved this toast tale!

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Love hearing from you here!

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