Jun 29Liked by J. F. Riordan

Enjoy the weekend!

I hope they come through on Monday with the information you need🤞

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Jun 29Liked by J. F. Riordan

Good morning! Yes, to more coffee. I wish I didn’t like cheese. Don’t get me started on calling businesses. 😡 Have a great day!

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Auggie loves cheese, just not baby swiss. Too tasteless, maybe. Honestly, I’m not a big fan myself, but it was there.

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Jun 29Liked by J. F. Riordan

My furnieces hated rain. I think it was the landing of the drops on their bodies. But, they loved snow. They’d put their little snoots down and snowplow. Go figure. As always, thank you.

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Jun 29Liked by J. F. Riordan

"You shall not pass!.. Unless I get a kiss on the nose and/or a hug." - Stylish Eli 😁😊🐾😎🧣

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Jun 29Liked by J. F. Riordan

Happy weekend!

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Jun 29Liked by J. F. Riordan

First, beautiful, huge plant. Second, automated phone answering voices and getting bounced around is soul-sucking. Third, Eli is scared of the rain? Oh Eli …

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Jun 29Liked by J. F. Riordan

Eli is such a character. I bet he’s also very sweet with his people. He seems like just a big baby.

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He’s like having a giant, timid teddy bear in the house.

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Jun 29Liked by J. F. Riordan

But Eli is still lovable. Very much. Also handsome in that anti-mosquito scarf.

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I love the open book face down precariously balanced on the top of the back of the chair in the background behind the handsome Eli.

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Jun 29Liked by J. F. Riordan

Good morning Eli, Auggie too, the handsome duo. Eli, your face is telling us a story. Eager to hear more. The potted plants are luscious. Here’s to relaxing weekend for everyone. ☕️

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Jun 29Liked by J. F. Riordan

I could live with that.

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Jun 29Liked by J. F. Riordan

Why would anyone be afraid of around 280lbs of wolf?.. On 2nd thought.. Never mind. 🤔😁🐾

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Exactly. And this is a guy who’s just afraid of dogs in general, so asking him to coexist with a pair of enormous German Shepherds is probably unreasonable.

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Jun 29Liked by J. F. Riordan

My dogs all line up for the cheese tax! I'm looking forward to a long rainy day.

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Jun 29Liked by J. F. Riordan

I recognize that look. We have that conversation on a regular basis - wet vs rain. Thanks for sharing life and reminding me that not everything is djt.

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Jun 29Liked by J. F. Riordan

Love it! Life with pets has its moments. Most of them enjoyable. All of them story worthy!

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Looking at Eli again, I’m always struck by his enormous head. A third of his body in the photo!

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Welcome to the Decline and Fall of the Customer Service Empire, in which the endlessly ringing phone extensions are only surpassed by the (eventually) answered calls that are subsequently put on hold until they mysteriously hang up after 20 minutes or so of waiting. This actually happened to me a few months ago. I feel your pain. So frustrating.

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Interestingly, this was not a customer service organization.

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Oh, no...it's spreading.

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@Shane - my doctor's computer system has been hacked. It's a huge medical system, and EVERYTHING is down. They cannot receive FAX's from insurance companies asking for prior authorizations (which caused us to scramble to get to their office 45 minutes away, because their phone lines are down too!). This has been going on for TWO MONTHS now!!! And customer service for anything important is a joke! I spent an hour on hold listening to godawful music, waiting to leap on the line when an operator answered. Only to be forwarded to another phone person, and was disconnected in the transfer. I gave up. I no longer have the energy for this bs!

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My Dr.'s office literally went back to handwriting everything they can, b/c of that huge breach earlier this year. So frustrating for them...and us.

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Our system won't tell us if it was a hack for ransom money or ...? Why else would a medical system be shut down? My cybersecurity son tells me that probably the system is being built again from the ground up. Having no idea what any of this means, I can't imagine recreating a patched together, built over decades, merged medical companies, messy systems being built from scratch. It wasn't like these companies that only last year merged together, have any kind of unified system. It's been two months. Keep hearing "next week, next week". I will not be surprised if it's a year, or more. 😡

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It's confounding to know that on the dark web you can rent programs that hack into systems for fun and profit. Medical practice systems usually easy targets because they frequently have outdated security protection.

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That's the point of all the waiting on hold and disconnected transfers - said customer gets frustrated and goes away. Problem and/or requirement to do one's job follows.🙁

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Jun 29Liked by J. F. Riordan

The same thing happened and continues to happen for me! The I’m so over this!!!

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